Optimizing Your Organization To Produce Better Designs

IEEE Computer Society, GBC/ACM and BostonCHI
7:00 PM, Thursday, January 18, 2018
informal reception coordinated by BostonCHI at 6:30 pm
Vistaprint, 275 Wyman St., Waltham, MA
[Admission is free, but you must register at http://jaredspooljan2018.eventbrite.com/?aff=gbcacm]
Go into any organization and you'll see that it is perfectly optimized to produce the results it's currently getting. If you want your organization to get better results, what do you need to do differently?
This presentation will take a deep dive into aspects of design leadership we rarely talk about: the work required to improve design literacy and fluency within our organization. We'll explore the different stages of UX design maturity and how what the organization needs to improve shifts as it becomes more mature. We'll look into the way teams are staffed and the skills necessary to produce great designs, and we'll look to the latest educational approaches of experience-based learning to see how we can change our work practice to support better on-the-job learning of design skills and knowledge.
Jared M. Spool is a co-founder of Center Centre and the founder of UIE.
If you've ever seen Jared speak about user experience (UX) design, you know that he's probably the most effective and knowledgeable communicator on the subject today. He started working in the field of usability and user experience in 1978, before the terms "usability" and "UX" were ever associated with computers.
While he led UIE, the industry research firm he started in 1988, the field of UX design emerged and Jared helped define what makes UX designers successful all over the world. UIE's world-class research organization produces conferences and workshops all over the world and for companies in every industry.
In 2016, with Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman, he opened Center Centre, a new school in Chattanooga, TN to create the next generation of industry-ready UX Designers. They created a revolutionary approach to vocational training, infusing Jared's decades of UX experience with Leslie's mastery of experience-based learning methodologies.
You'll also find him as the conference chair and keynote speaker at the annual UI Conference and UX Immersion Conference, and he manages to squeeze in a fair amount of writing time. He is author of the book, Web Usability: A Designer's Guide and co-author of Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks that Work.
You'll find his writing at uie.com. You can also follow his adventures on the Twitters at @jmspool, where he tweets daily about UX design, design strategy, design education, and the wondrous customer service habits of the airline industry.
This meeting will be held at Vistaprint's facility at 275 Wyman St in Waltham. Park in the garage or the large parking lot in back of the garage and walk around to the main entrance. 275 Wyman St can be reached from the North by taking exit 28 from rt 128/95 makng a left hand turn onto Trapelo Rd, and then another right hand turn onto Smith St (which becomes Wyman St after about 1/2 mile) once you cross Rt 128. From the South, take exit 27A-B from I-95/128 and stay in the exit lane until you get to the Wyman St turn off. Don't take the sharp right onto 3rd Ave and Totten Pond Rd. There'also a shortcut coming from Canbridge on Rt 2. Get off Rt 2 at the Waltham St/Lexington exit, take a left hand turn onto Hayden Ave, then make another left at the traffic light onto Smith St.
We will be taking Jared to dinner at Green Papaya after the talk at about 9pm.