Integrating Java with NET at the Macro and Micro Levels
As more and more new Microsoft .NET books hit the bookshelves, some developers will argue over which technology will "win": Java/J2EE or Microsoft .NET. Others will understand that like Java, .NET will not be going away soon and will realize how important it will be to understand the .NET platform and to know how to leverage it in existing Java applications.
This talk provides a tutorial of the .NET platform, partly by comparing and contrasting it with the Java/J2EE platform. Through demos and recent case studies, this talk reviews a number of ways .NET can be integrated with Java applications providing a rationale for why these are powerful combinations. Consider the power of the following:
* Exposing J2EE services to Microsoft Excel users and Visual Basic developers through web services.
* Infiltrating Microsoft BackOffice by integrating with Exchange and Outlook
* Integrating w/ Microsoft Back and Front Office technologies
* Leveraging Window's security to simplify access to J2EE services inside and outside the corporate firewall
* Integrating .NET applications with Java through JNI
The intended audience for this talk is Java engineers that are interested in gaining a better understanding of the .NET framework, not so much to become .NET developers, but to learn how to extend existing Java/J2EE applications to leverage this technology. Technical professionals with a limited knowledge of Java and .NET would also benefit from this presentation.
This meeting is sponsored by the Boston Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society and is co-sponsored by the Greater Boston Chapter of the ACM (GBC/ACM). Meeting begins at 6:30 pm. An optional, pay-your-own dinner follows. For more information: Archie Blondin at 617-856-1909 or
Jerry Thomas, a native of Hawaii, is an independent consultant whose area of expertise is the use of Java in the development of web and enterprise systems. Jerry works as a Java and XML architect with a number of startups and public firms in the Boston area. In this capacity, Jerry has worked with a number of companies adopting .NET as a development platform. Prior to this, Jerry was the Director of Engineering at Riverton Software Corporation. You can reach him at