We have found that the Julia language, through its composable abstractions, multiple dispatch, and expressive typing is accelerating the formation of bridges at MIT. As physical bridges may be made from steel and provide infrastructure for many to cross, it seems Julia's language elements are the medium that allow people to connect to solve hard problems. In this talk we will give a quick introduction to Julia, and then speak in depth about some of Julia's special features.
Professor Alan Edelman (Math,CSAIL,CCE) loves to prove pure and applied theorems, program computers and everything in between. He has received many prizes including a Gordon Bell Prize, a Householder Prize, and a Charles Babbage Prize, is a fellow of IEEE, AMS, and SIAM, and is a founder and chief scientist of Interactive Supercomputing and Julia Computing, Inc. He passionately believes in more interactions between classical computer science and computational science. Edelman's research interests include Julia, machine learning, high-performance computing, numerical computation, linear algebra, random matrix theory and geometry. He has consulted for IBM, Pixar, Akamai, Intel, and Microsoft among other corporations.
This joint meeting of the Boston Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society and GBC/ACM will be held in MIT Room 32-G449 (the Kiva conference room on the 4th floor of the Stata Center, buildng 32 on MIT maps) . You can see it on this map of the MIT campus.